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Chairman Bost at Hearing on Support for Veteran Caregivers: “As a veteran who comes from a military family, I understand these challenges firsthand.”

Today, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Mike Bost (R-Ill.), delivered the following opening remarks, as prepared, at the start of the Committee’s oversight hearing entitled, “Everyday Heroes: Supporting the Veteran Caregiver Community.”

Good morning.

The Committee will come to order.

I want to welcome all the witnesses to our hearing.

Before we get started, I’d like to take a moment to recognize Gold Star Families Remembrance Week, which honors the families who have lost loved ones in service to our nation.

Their sacrifices will never be forgotten, and we extend our deepest gratitude to them

Today we will discuss the critical issues facing veterans’ caregivers.

Veteran caregivers play an unseen role in supporting their loved ones – the men and women who have served our country.

Caregivers, including veterans’ spouses, children, and parents, make countless sacrifices to care for their loved ones.

Many of these caregivers face emotional, financial, and physical hardships because of their care for their veteran.

As a veteran who comes from a military family, I understand these challenges firsthand.

My uncle returned home from Vietnam with the visible and invisible wounds of war, and went on to live a successful life, but that required the care and attention of my extended family.

Just yesterday, the RAND Corporation published a report on the challenges and hardships millions of military families live with every day.

This report sheds light on the evolving demographics of caregivers, with more aging parents and young children taking on caregiver roles.

One of the major concerns in the report, which we have also heard from advocates and stakeholders, is the lack of access to mental health resources.

Caregivers are often isolated and experience high levels of stress and burnout.

But many are unaware or unable to access V.A. resources, such as caregiver-specific mental health support groups.

This is especially true in rural parts of the country like my District.

Provisions of the Senator Elizabeth Dole Act, taken from Ms. Kiggans COPE Act, would require V.A. to award grants to improve the mental health support for caregivers.

This is an important step towards addressing the mental health stigma and giving caregivers the support they need.

Caregiver families also face economic pressure as many are forced to reduce work hours or leave employment.

While some financial support is available through V.A. stipends, it often falls short.

Beyond these challenges, we must address the Biden-Harris administration’s failure to release new regulations for the “Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers.”

The administration has dragged its feet on these changes, leaving thousands of caregivers in limbo.

Caregivers support the men and women who have served, and it’s about time the White House and V.A. put some action behind their words.

We are even hearing from caregivers that V.A. has slowed down services and new programs since disclosing the budget shortfall.

It has been a battle getting clear information from V.A. about the V.H.A budget shortfall.

But based on what we know, none of the caregiver budget accounts seem to be included.

So, it is troubling and confusing why this is happening.

I understand that the administration and V.A. leaders are urging Congress to immediately approve the V.H.A $12 billion budget shortfall without asking questions.

Today’s hearing will help us hold V.A. accountable and determine the actions needed to ensure caregivers receive the full support they deserve.

Finally, as I previously mentioned, the Dole Act is critical legislation to improve services for caregivers.

The Dole Act would expand access to home and community-based services for veterans and would expand mental health support for caregivers.

I can’t imagine anyone would be against that.

I hope to bring this bill to the floor very soon.

It’s time to put politics aside and support this needed legislation.

I am eager to hear from V.A. today about how they plan to address the challenges our veteran caregiver community faces.

We also look forward to learning from our expert witnesses.

But most importantly, we will hear directly from Vanessa Chism an Elizabeth Dole Caregiver Fellow who cares for her husband every day.

Her testimony will provide a powerful perspective on the day-to-day life as a veteran caregiver.

I’d also like to welcome all the Elizabeth Dole Caregiver Fellows who are advocating for caregivers on Capitol Hill today.

I’d especially like to welcome Theresa Coomer from the great state of Illinois!

Thank you for your dedication and sacrifice.

We SEE you, and as long as I’m in charge of this Committee, I will make sure your voices are HEARD.

I now recognize Ranking Member Takano for his opening comments.
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