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Chairman Bost Secures Key Wins in FY25 MilCon/VA Appropriations Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Mike Bost (R-Ill.), released the following statement after the House passed H.R. 8580, the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, legislation to fully fund the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for Fiscal Year 2025, which included key priorities Chairman Bost secured alongside House Republicans to improve the delivery of care and services at VA.


“Just as we did last year, House Republicans upheld our sacred obligation to the men and women who have served and fully funded President Biden’s VA budget request,” said Chairman Bost. “While I still have serious concerns about the way the Biden administration has approached funding VA for the next fiscal year, including funding nearly 10,000 fewer healthcare workers and underinvesting in renovating and modernizing VA’s facilities, this budget will ensure our nation’s heroes receive the care and benefits they have earned,” Chairman Bost continued. “I am pleased that this bill includes a number of important provisions I fought for to require VA to follow the same community care access standards for substance abuse and rehab treatment, protect veterans’ due process rights, and ensure that veterans in flyover country continue to have access to the emergency transportation services they need. I want to thank my friends, Appropriations Chairman Tom Cole, and Judge Carter, for working with me to secure these important provisions in the final bill on behalf of veterans and their families.”


Chairman Bost fought for the following provisions which were included in the House passed version of the FY25 MilCon/VA Appropriations bill:


Bost (IL) Amendment #8 - Requires VA to apply the same access standards for Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program (MH RRTP) as for primary care, specialty care, and non-institutional extended care services.

Second Amendment Protections (Sec. 261)Prohibits the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) from submitting a veteran or beneficiary’s name to the FBI’s NICS list without a judge’s consent that they are a danger to themselves or others, affording veterans with fiduciaries the due process rights they have earned.

Emergency Transportation Protections (Sec. 258)Prohibits the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) from cutting reimbursements for private ground and air ambulatory emergency transportation services in response to the following rule: “Changes in Rates VA Pays for Special Modes of Transportation” (88 Fed. Reg. 10032), effectively protecting rural and remote veterans’ access to lifesaving emergency transportation services.
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