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Chairman Bost Introduces Legislation to Modernize VA Healthcare Eligibility System, Medical Waste Practices

Today, Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.), the Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, released the following statement after he introduced two bills: H.R. 754, the Modernizing Veterans' Healthcare Eligibility Act, and H.R. 753, the VA COST SAVINGS Enhancements Act. Both pieces of legislation would propel the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) into the 21st century with modern medical waste practices, and an independent, bipartisan assessment of the VA healthcare eligibility system to create a simplified eligibility and enrollment process for veterans.

“The VA is the largest integrated healthcare system in the country. Its longevity depends on it keeping pace with modern medical practices, while also delivering a system that meets the needs of today’s veteran population, and the next generation of servicemembers,” said Chairman Bost. “It’s been 27 years since we took an in-depth look at the VA healthcare eligibility process for veterans. That’s too long. My bill would create a bipartisan commission to report recommendations to Congress on how we can upgrade the eligibility system. House Republicans are focused on ensuring veterans who rightly earned VA care receive that care in the best environments possible. These bills would give VA the authority to do exactly that.”

To learn more about H.R. 754, the Modernizing Veterans' Healthcare Eligibility Act, click here. Bill text can be found here.

To learn more about H.R. 753, the VA COST SAVINGS Enhancements Act, click here. Bill text can be found here.

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