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Ranking Member Bost Joins Dr. Murphy in Introducing Bill to Connect Student Veterans with Vet Center Resources

Today, Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.), the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and Dr. Greg Murphy (R-N.C.), released the following statements after they introduced the Student Veterans Counseling Centers Eligibility Act, a bill which would expand VA Vet Center eligibility to student veterans.

“Transitioning out of the military and going back to school can be stressful,” said Ranking Member Bost. “That’s why I am proud to join my friend, Dr. Murphy, in introducing the Student Veterans Counseling Centers Eligibility Act. Our bill would give student veterans an additional avenue of support as they readjust to civilian life and work to achieve their dreams.”

“Change is hard for everyone, but it can be especially hard for veterans transitioning back to civilian status,” said Dr. Murphy. “This is a particularly vulnerable veteran population who are at risk for suicide. Now they will be able to access these services should they need them. We have lost too many souls to suicide. If this legislation can save even one of our veterans, I will consider this a victory. I’m proud to sponsor this bill and I thank Ranking Member Bost for joining me in this effort.”

“The GI Bill is often the first experience newly transitioned veterans have with the VA, making it the front door to future interactions. Increasing access to vital services like those available at VA Vet Centers, in addition to education benefits, will only deepen the ability of veterans to transition successfully and thrive post-service,” said Lauren Augustine, Student Veterans of America.

To learn more about the Student Veterans Counseling Centers Eligibility Act, click here.
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