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Ranking Member Roe Applauds House Passage of PAWS Act

Today, Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-Tenn.), the Ranking Member of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, released the following statement after the House passed of H.R. 4305, The Puppies Assisting Wounded Servicemembers (PAWS) for Veterans Therapy Act:

"I am pleased to see that the House unanimously passed this important bill today to assist veterans struggling with PTSD and other mental health challenges through service dog training therapy. Mental wellness does not have a one-size-fits-all solution, which is why VA must provide innovative and out-of-the-box treatments to help veterans combat these invisible illnesses and thrive in their civilian lives. There is no question that the companionship and unconditional love offered by man’s best friend can have powerful healing effects on men and women from all walks of life, including our men and women in uniform. I applaud my friends on both sides of the aisle for working hard to get this bill right for them."

To learn more about the PAWS Act, click here

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