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Ranking Member Roe Recognizes the 75th Anniversary of the GI Bill

Shares personal story, thanks the American people

Today, Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-Tenn.), the Ranking Member of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, released the following video commemorating the 75th anniversary of the GI Bill:

Below are Roe's remarks.           

Remarks as delivered: 

Hello, I’m Phil Roe, Congressman from the 1st Congressional District of Tennessee, and I just wanted to tell you a little bit about how the GI Bill affected my life.

I served in the Army in 1973 -1974 in the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea, Camp Casey near the DMZ, and I had a young family.  

When I went into the Army, my son was 6 weeks old and he was 12 weeks old when I got out of basic training.

Next time I saw him he didn’t know who I was.

But, after I completed my military service at Fort Eustis, Virginia, I went back and I had my training interrupted by the draft - the military draft.

Now we have an all-volunteer Army.

This being the 75th Anniversary of the GI Bill, I wanted to just tell you a little bit about how it affected me.

When I got out, I applied for the GI Bill.

I got $300 a month for the next two years when I was a Resident Physician at the City of Memphis hospitals, and it really was incredible how much it helped me in my life and my family. 

And, to this day, I am very grateful that my country invested $300 a month in me for two years and very proud of the fact that America did this for me.

It was very helpful and I know the GI Bill today that we have - the Forever GI Bill - is going to help young people far into the future and help transform this great country.

So, to the taxpayers and the citizens of this country, thank you very much.


The GI Bill was signed into law on June 22,1944, and has been a critical tool for veterans during their transition to civilian life ever since.The GI bill provides education benefits, financial assistance, and home loan guarantees to veterans and certain survivors and dependents. It has led to the expansion of the middle class and increased economic growth and opportunity in America. You can read more about the implementation of the Forever GI Bill on VA’s website here. If you used the GI Bill and want to help celebrate the 75th Anniversary, you can share your story here.

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