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Ranking Member Roe Statement on President Trump's Executive Order to Prevent Veteran Suicide

Shares concern on need to reduce veteran suicides, applauds PREVENTS Executive Order

Washington, March 5, 2019 | Molly Jenkins (202-225-3527)
Tags: Health

Washington, D.C. - Today, Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-Tenn.) Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs released a statement applauding President Trump's continued effort to help veterans after he signed the Executive Order "President's Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide (PREVENTS):" 

"One of the my top priorities for this Congress is reducing the number of veteran suicides. I am thrilled President Trump has taken the initiative to create a new Cabinet-level task force charged with preventing veteran suicides, which will be led by VA Secretary Wilkie.

"Last September, we held a hearing on this exact issue - preventing veteran suicides. During the hearing, one of my key arguments focused on the need to involve the community in our efforts, as the majority of veteran suicides occur among veterans who have never accessed VA care. Because of this, VA can't fight this battle alone. This Executive Order stresses the need for the federal government to work along with state and local agencies, as well as to partner with private and non-profit organizations. I am encouraged by this expansion of efforts to involve the community in the process to help our veterans. I look forward to seeing how this develops."

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