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Bost Criticizes House Democrats’ Shoddy Work for Veterans on One-Year Anniversary of Democrat Control

Today, Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.), the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, released the following statement on House passage of H.R. 4673, the EVEST Act:

“The VA healthcare system - like many others - is facing several serious challenges right now. The last thing Congress should be doing is throwing another challenge VA’s way. Yet, that’s what House Democrats did today and even the Biden Administration admits it. The EVEST Act is a well-intentioned but deeply flawed bill to enroll separating servicemembers in VA care without their knowledge or consent,” said Ranking Member Bost. “I know firsthand how hard leaving the military can be and how important it is to support veterans during their transition to civilian life. This bill, which VA wasn’t given the opportunity to comment on and which could disrupt services to veterans nationwide, is not the way to do it. Sadly, this behavior has become the norm after a full year of one-party rule in Washington. I hope better days are ahead, for veterans and all Americans.”
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