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Press Releases

Bost Calls Out Democrats’ Lackluster Work to Help Guard and Reserve Members

Today, Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.), the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, released the following statement on House passage of the Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act of 2021:

“Members of the Guard and Reserve are stepping up in increasingly critical ways to keep our communities safe. Congress should take a top to bottom look at the benefits they receive. I am disappointed that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle didn’t do that today.

“Time and time again we have seen Washington Democrats rush through billion-dollar bills on the taxpayer dime without even pretending to do their jobs first. This is yet another example of that. Congress should not consider expensive benefits expansions without doing our due diligence, receiving input from stakeholders, and ensuring we’re not burdening future generations with more uncontrolled debt. This bill fails on each of those counts.

“Washington Democrats also voted today against allowing servicemembers who are discharged for not complying with the vaccine mandate from being able to use the G.I. Bill benefits they have earned. The brave men and women who serve in our military should never be penalized for making personal healthcare decisions, especially when they are the ones who defended our freedom to do so.”
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