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Ranking Member Bost, Rep. Mike Levin Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Veterans’ Job Training and Education Benefits

Today, Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.), the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and Rep. Mike Levin (D-Calif.), the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity, released the following statements after they introduced H.R. 2523, the Training in High-Demand Roles to Improve Veteran Employment Act (THRIVE Act). The THRIVE Act would improve veterans’ job training and education benefits by amending a number of provisions under the American Rescue Plan Act and the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020.

Ranking Member Bost championed the inclusion of the Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program (VRRAP) in the America Rescue Plan. The new program will help unemployed veterans and members of the National Guard and Reserve get the training they need to compete in the post-pandemic economy.

“COVID-19 has made veteran unemployment skyrocket. That is why I worked to get my bill, the Veterans Economic Recovery Act, into law to help connect out-of-work veterans with good jobs,” said Ranking Member Bost. “The THRIVE Act would make sure that veterans are able to make the most of that Act and an omnibus bill that became law earlier this year so that they can get back on their feet faster. I am proud to introduce it today with Congressman Levin. I thank him and the Student Veterans of America, the Disabled American Veterans, and the National Association of State Approving Agencies for their support of this bill. I hope to see it move through the House and Senate without delay.”

“We have a responsibility to ensure veterans receive high quality services to help them pursue a higher education or train for a new career, particularly as we recover from this devastating pandemic,” said Rep. Levin. “The THRIVE Act will make much-needed improvements by bolstering the rapid retaining program, strengthening GI Bill benefits, and more. I’m proud to introduce this bill with Ranking Member Bost, and I am hopeful we can pass it with wide bipartisan support soon.”

To learn more about H.R. 2523, the THRIVE Act, click here.

Bill text of the THRIVE Act can be found here.
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