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With Wide VSO Support, Ranking Member Bost and Chairman Takano’s VA VACCINE Act Heads to the House Floor

Today, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Mike Bost (R-Ill.) and Chairman Mark Takano (D-Calif.) released the following statements before H.R. 1276, the Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans’ and Caregivers’ COVID-19 Immunizations Now Expanded Act of 2021, or the VA VACCINE Act, comes up for a vote in the House of Representatives. This bipartisan bill expands VA’s authority to provide COVID-19 vaccines to all veterans and their caregivers. Within a week of introduction, Bost and Takano’s bill earned the support of 39 additional cosponsors—including all 28 Members of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. So far, H.R. 1276 has the support of eight Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) including Paralyzed Veterans of America, Minority Veterans of America, the Elizabeth Dole Foundation, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, The American Legion, Wounded Warrior Project, and AMVETS.

“I am grateful for the strong VSO support for the VA VACCINE Act. Helping more veterans and their caregivers get vaccinated will save lives and help put this pandemic in the rear view mirror. VSOs know that,” said Ranking Member Bost. “I look forward to sending the bill to the Senate this evening and hope it can be signed into law before the week is up. Veterans deserve no less.”

“If we want to defeat this pandemic, we must vaccinate as many Americans as possible—and do it quickly. At our legislative presentations last week, it was clear that the VSO community is behind our critical fix to ensure VA has the authority to vaccinate all veterans and caregivers who walk through its doors,” said Chairman Takano. “I’m so glad to see our bipartisan VA VACCINE Act head to the House floor today. VA should not have to turn away any veteran, regardless of whether they’re enrolled in or eligible for other VA healthcare services—with 39 cosponsors and the support of 8 VSOs, our bill will make sure VA won’t have to.”

To learn more about the H.R. 1276, the VA VACCINE Act, click here.
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