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Ranking Member Bost Introduces 4 Bills to Kick-Off 117th Congress

Today, Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.), the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, released the following statement after introducing four veterans’ bills yesterday:

“Last Congress, I was proud to join my colleagues in sending meaningful legislation to the President’s desk on behalf of our veterans,” said Ranking Member Bost. “As Ranking Member this Congress, I look forward to continuing that legacy and I am committed to putting veterans’ lives, livelihoods, freedoms, and well-being at the forefront of every piece of legislation I consider. That is why I was proud to reintroduce these four proposals yesterday. I hope we can hit the ground running and consider them in the House and Senate without delay.”

Ranking Member Bost introduced the following bills yesterday:

H.R. 290: The GI Bill Transferability Protection Act of 2021
H.R. 291: The COST Savings Act
H.R. 292: The VA Health Center Management and Stability Act
H.R. 293: The HELP Act
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