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Ranking Member Roe's Bill to Protect Student Veterans Heads to President's Desk

Today, Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-Tenn.), the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, released the following statement after the House passed S. 3503, the Senate version of his bill to protect GI Bill benefits for student veterans during the coronavirus crisis:

"Just over a week ago, we learned that veterans and other students could lose their GI Bill benefits or have them significantly reduced because of actions their school takes to combat the coronavirus. Today, we took action to make sure that won’t happen. I am grateful to the Student Veterans of America who first identified this problem and the numerous veterans service organizations who worked with me and my colleagues, Chairman Mark Takano, Chairman Jerry Moran, and Ranking Member Jon Tester, to make it right. Hundreds of thousands of veterans and military families rely on the GI Bill to support themselves while they are in school and I am heartened that Congress was able to come together so quickly to assure them that we’ve got their backs throughout this crisis."

To learn more about Ranking Member Roe’s bill, click here.
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