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The FY 2013 Budget and Veterans: The Facts

This week, the Committee held a hearing to examine ongoing VA construction projects. Veterans depend on care through these facilities, and yet out of the four major hospital construction projects underway across the country, two are at least two years behind and both are over budget...


This week, the Committee held a hearing to examine ongoing VA construction projects. Veterans depend on care through these facilities, and yet out of the four major hospital construction projects underway across the country, two are at least two years behind and both are over budget. Major VA medical facility lease projects face the same problems of accountability and costs. Of the 55 authorized, only five are open, 38 are behind schedule, and 14 are delayed three or more years. We cannot and must not allow these problems to persist. It is vital for our veterans that these projects to be completed on time and on budget. – Rep. Jeff Miller, Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.


This week, the House of Representatives passed H.Con. Res. 112, the FY 2013 GOP budget. Some media outlets have incorrectly reported that the budget cuts spending for veterans. Those reports are inaccurate. Due to these erroneous reports, we have compiled the facts for veterans. Click here to learn more.  


The Committee’s Subcommittee on Health Staff Director Dolores Dunn received the Exemplary Service Award from the Military Order of the Purple Heart. With the Committee since 2003, Chairman Miller said Dolores’ dedication and passion to help veterans “are unmatched.” The Committee is very proud of her efforts on behalf of veterans, and we are extremely fortunate to have her on our team. 


March 25th was National Medal of Honor Day. This elite group of veterans and servicemembers remind us just how extraordinary our men and women in uniform are, and have been, throughout the course of our history. It is an important reminder to us that we should herald the remarkable courage and commitment displayed by the recipients of the Medal of Honor every day.


The Buckles family name has become synonymous with military service. For generations, the family has devoted itself to defending our nation. Perhaps none have been more recognized than Corporal Frank Buckles, the last living American World War 1 veteran, who passed away last year. Genealogical research reveals that service to the United States by the Buckles family dates back to the Revolutionary War. Today, the legacy of patriotism and service by the Buckles family continues through Navy LT. Robert Buckles


Robert Edsel has devoted much of his life to recovering art and artifacts stolen by the Nazis during World War II. Recently, Edsel’s foundation, the Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art, discovered two new albums (out of what they suspect are 100 total) found recently by a World War II veteran’s family. The albums, which will be on display at the National Archives, have helped families recover their art stolen by the Nazis. 

Upcoming Committee Schedule:

April 5: Subcommittee on Health Field Hearing: Vet Centers and the Veterans Health Administration: Opportunities and Challenges – Modesto California

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