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VSOs to Present Legislative Priorities to Committee

The Disabled American Veterans are in Washington this week for their Mid-Winter Conference...

Chairman’s Corner

The Disabled American Veterans are in Washington this week for their Mid-Winter Conference. On Sunday, I was presented the “Going to Bat for Veterans Award,” a huge honor for which I am greatly appreciative to DAV. It represents that the work we are doing here on Capitol Hill is being felt in communities across the country, and I want to thank DAV, and all of the VSOs, for their tireless work on behalf on our nation’s veterans and their families.

Today at the Committee

While the DAV is in town, their leadership appeared today before a Joint House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee to present their legislative priorities for the upcoming year. The Joint hearing is the first of five presentations from VSOs in the coming months. The Committee is dedicated to using these presentations as an opportunity to further our commitment to working in a bipartisan manner to benefit this country’s heroes. To learn more about upcoming VSO legislative hearings, click here.

Listening to Our Vets

Last week, Chairman Miller visited with veterans and made multiple oversight visits to VA facilities in Dayton, Ohio, Fort Wayne, Indiana, St. Louis, Missouri, and Little Rock, Arkansas. Chairman Miller will continue to visit VA facilities to ensure that veterans are receiving the best care possible. To learn more about the Chairman’s travels, check out the Committee’s In Case You Missed It news and events

New Legislation Focuses on SDVOSBs and Veteran Unemployment

Rep. Bill Johnson recently introduced H.R. 4048, the Improving Contracting Opportunities for Veteran-Owned Small Businesses Act of 2012, to clarify small business laws affecting veteran-owned companies doing business with VA. Chairman Miller also introduced legislation, which continues the Chairman’s commitment to reduce veteran unemployment, “by placing under one roof all the services that the federal government offers to unemployed veterans” To learn more about H.R. 4072, the Consolidating Veteran Employment Services for Improved Performance Act of 2012, please click here.


With Our Gratitude and Prayers

World War II hero, Lynn D. “Buck” Compton, whose story was made famous in the HBO miniseries, Band of Brothers, has passed away. Buck served with the 101st Airborne during World War II, and after was one of the leading prosecutors of Sirhan Sirhan, Robert F. Kennedy’s assassin. In 1970, he was appointed to the 2nd District Court of Appeals by then Governor Ronald Reagan. He retired in 1990. To learn more Buck’s incredible life, please click here.  

At the Box Office

In what is already being heralded as one of the best movies of 2012, Act of Valor, took out the opposition at the box office this weekend. The film stars real life active-duty U.S. Navy SEALs, who in the movie are on a mission to rescue a kidnapped CIA operative. Don’t miss this great American story!

Upcoming Committee Schedule

March 6: Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Hearing VA’s Dubious Contracting Practices: Savannah

March 7: Joint House and Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs Hearing to Receive Legislative Presentation of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)

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