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Media Advisories

HVAC to Examine IT Modernization at VA

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On Tuesday, February 7, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, chaired by Rep. Phil Roe, M.D., will hold a hearing entitled, “Assessing the VA IT Landscape: Progress and Challenges.” This hearing will examine the major Information Technology (IT) modernization projects and programs underway at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Committee to Hold Organizational Meeting

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The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs will meet on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. for their formal organizational meeting of the 115th Congress. The business meeting will be held in 334 Cannon House Office Building.

Union Bosses, VA Bosses Rigging System for Failure

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In an expletive-laden rant delivered earlier this year, a belligerent American Federation of Government Employees President J. David Cox threatened Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Bob McDonald with physical violence.

No Excuse for VAs Litany of Excuses

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Apparently, Department of Veterans Affairs officials haven’t learned much from the wait-time scandal that shook VA to its foundations and forced the resignation of former Secretary Eric Shinseki.

Fix the VA, Mr. President

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The Department of Veterans Affairs has threatened to shut down hospitals in August unless it receives a budget add-on of $3 billion. The VA released this shocking news this month, capping off years of mismanagement and a blatant lack of transparency and accountability. It is long past time for President Barack Obama to become personally engaged in fixing VA.

VA Mental Health Should Prioritize Helping Veterans Over Hiring Workers

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Even though VA has hired thousands of additional mental health personnel in recent years, the department is still struggling to meet the increased demand for care created by a steady stream of returning veterans, undeniable proof that when it comes to stopping the epidemic of veteran suicides, it is not about how many people VA hires. What matters is how many veterans they are able to help.

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