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Media Advisories

Reforming VA's Fiduciary Program

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The original intent of the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program was to give unemployed veterans the chance to acquire the skills needed to become more competitive in the work force. The majority of the feedback I have received has been encouraging...

Vets Legislation Heads to Senate

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The major provision of the VOW to Hire Heroes Act is now being implemented by the departments of Labor and Veterans Affairs. Designed to aid veterans, ages 35-60, who have found themselves in the prime of their lives, unemployed, the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) will provide these veterans with up to one year of Montgomery GI Bill benefits to retrain for jobs in high-demand fields...

Memorial Day 2012

| Posted in Media Advisories

We are blessed in this country to have so many who step forward to wear our nation’s uniform. There are no harder working or dedicated people on earth than our Armed Forces and veterans. Our fellow citizens have stood up for more than two centuries to defend the principles we hold most dear...

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