CANCELED: Markup of Pending Legislation
June 12, 2018 |
2:00 PM
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CANCELED: Markup of Pending Legislation
June 12, 2018 |
2:00 PM
Legislative Hearing on H.R. 2409; H.R. 5452; H.R. 5538; H.R. 5644; and H.R. 5649
May 23, 2018 |
10:00 AM
A Review of VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program
May 17, 2018 |
2:00 PM
Markup of Pending Legislation
April 11, 2018 |
2:00 PM
Addressing Veteran Homelessness: Current Position; Future Course
January 18, 2018 |
10:00 AM
Home Loan Churning Practices and How Veteran Homebuyers are Being Affected
January 10, 2018 |
10:00 AM
An Update on the Implementation of the Forever GI Bill, the Harry W. Colmery Educational Assistance Act of 2017
December 12, 2017 |
2:00 PM
Best Practices in Veterans Education and Transition to Civilian Life
November 17, 2017 |
2:00 PM