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Markup of H.R. 2787; H.R. 3696; H.R. 5693; H.R. 5864; H.R. 5938; H.R. 5974; and H.R. 6066

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 | 3:00 PM 334 Cannon House Office Building
Tags: Health

Relevant documents can be found here.

Markup of H.R. 2787; H.R. 3696; H.R. 5693; H.R. 5864; H.R. 5938; H.R. 5974; and H.R. 6066

H.R. 2787, the Veterans-Specific Education for Tomorrow's Medical Doctors (VET MD) Act 

H.R. 3696, the Wounded Warrior Workforce Enhancement Act

H.R. 5693, the Long Term Care Veterans Choice Act

H.R. 5938, the Veterans Serving Veterans Act of 2018

H.R. 6066, to improve the productivity of the management of Department of Veterans Affairs health care

H.R. 5864, the VA Hospitals Establishing Leadership Performance (VA HELP) Act

H.R. 5974, the Department of Veterans Affairs Creation of On-Site Treatment Systems Affording Veterans Improvements and Numerous General Safety Enhancements (VA COST SAVINGS) Act




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