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O&I: Markup of H.R 2243, H.R. 2383, and H.R. 2388

Thursday, July 28, 2011 | 10:00 AM Room 334 Cannon House Office Building
  1. H.R. 2243, the "Veterans Employment Promotion Act" (Introduced by Mr. McNerney).  Favorably reported to the full Committee. ;
  2. H.R. 2383, the "`Modernizing Notice to Claimants Act" (Introduced by Mr. Johnson-OH).  Favorably reported to the full Committee, as amended.  (Click here for the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute).
  3. H.R. 2388, the "Access to Timely Information Act" (Introduced by Mr. Miller-FL).  Favorably reported to the full Committee.

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