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Virtual Hearings

Full Committee Virtual Legislative Hearing

Pending Legislation on Toxic Exposures

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 | 10:00 AM Virtual

On Wednesday, May 5, 2021, at 10:00am EST, the Full Committee will hold a virtual legislative hearing on the following bills, "H.R. 1273, Vietnam Veterans Liver Fluke Study Act (Rep. Zeldin); H.R. 1355, K2 Veterans Care Act of 2021 (Rep. Lynch); H.R. 1585, Mark Takai Atomic Veterans Healthcare Parity Act of 2021 (Rep. Meng); H.R. 1972, Fair Care for Vietnam Veterans Act of 2021 (Rep. Harder); H.R. 2127, TEAM Act (Rep. Bost); H.R. 2268, Keeping Our Promises Act (Rep. Westerman); H.R. 2368, COVENANT Act (Rep. Luria); H.R. 2372, Presumptive Benefits for War Fighters Exposed to Burn Pits and Other Toxins Act (Rep Ruiz); H.R. 2436, Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act of 2021 (Rep. Slotkin); H.R. 2530, Enewetak Atoll Cleanup Radiation Study Act (Rep. Nehls); H.R.2569, Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act (Rep. Cartwright); H.R. 2580, Palomares Veterans Act of 2021 (Rep. Hayes); H.R. 2607, FASTER Presumptions Act (Rep. Trone); H.R. 2742, PFAS Registry Act of 2021 (Rep. Pappas), and H.R. 2825, Fort McClellan Health Registry Act (Rep. Tonko)," the live stream can be found below:

Relevant documents can be found here.

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