H.R. 1154, the "Veterans Equal Treatment for Service Dogs Act" or the "VETS Dogs Act" (Introduced by Mr. Carter); Favorably reported to the full Committee.
H.R. 2074, the "Veterans Sexual Assault Prevention Act" (Introduced by Ms. Buerkle). Favorably reportred to the full Committee.
H.R. 2530, a bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for increased flexibility in establishing rates for reimbursement of State homes by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for nursing home care provided to veterans (Introduced by Mr. Michaud). Favorably reported to the full Committee.
H.R. 2646, a bill to authorize certain Department of Veterans Affairs major medical facility projects and leases, to extend certain expiring provisions of law, and to modify certain authorities of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Introduced by Mr. Johnson-OH). Favorably reported to the full Committee, as amended. (Click here for amendment adopted in Subcommittee)