Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Subcommittee on Health
- H.R. 1443, the Tinnitus Research and Treatment Act of 2013 (Rep. Michaud) with an amendment to H.R. 1443 that would mandate that nothing in the bill be construed as interfering with the Department’s existing peer-review protocols.
- H.R. 1612, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to convey a parcel of land in Tuskegee, Alabama, to Tuskegee University (Rep. Rogers of Alabama).
- An Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2065, the Safe Housing for Homeless Veterans Act (Rep. Benishek).
- H.R. 2072, the Demanding Accountability for Veterans Act of 2013 (Rep. Benishek).
- H.R. 2726, the Long Term Care Veterans Choice Act. (Rep. Miller of Florida).