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Chairman Roe’s Legislation to Eliminate Sunset Date of the Choice Program Signed into Law

Today, Chairman Phil Roe, M.D. (R-Tenn.) released the following statement after President Trump signed The Veterans Choice Program Improvement Act, the Senate companion to Chairman Roe’s bill to eliminate the sunset date of the Choice program, into law:

“It was an honor to stand with President Trump, VA Secretary David Shulkin and Florida Governor Rick Scott to ensure our veterans have timely access to health care. Today, we made great progress in our mission to ensure every veteran who has served our country has access to high-quality health care. With this law, veterans will be able to continue utilizing the Choice program to seek care in the community while we work with President Trump to improve the program and bring wholesale reform to the VA. I thank President Trump for his leadership in putting America’s heroes first, and I look forward to continuing our work with his administration and my colleagues in Congress so that all veterans can access treatment when they need it most.”  

The Veterans Choice Program Improvement Act will eliminate the statutory sunset date for the Choice Program and instead allow the program to continue until the original funding has been expended. Chairman Roe was at the White House for the signing ceremony. A photo is attached.

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